Explained: What Do the Controls On the Fender Jaguar HH Do?

Explained Fender Jaguar HH Controls What do they do ?

The Fender Classic Player Jaguar HH’s non-traditional switching and circuitry can seem daunting, but they’re easy to figure out.

Here are some of the features of the Fender Classic Player Jaguar HH

    Enforcer Humbuckers pickups
    Master volume knob
    Master tone knob
    Master cut switch
    Bridge pickup blendable & Neck pickup blendable coil splitter, allows you to disable one of the coils in the humbucking pickup, in effect making it a single-coil pickup
    On/Off switch for the neck pickup
    On/Off switch for the bridge pickup
    Normal or low cut switch

Check out some of it’s sounds.

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